Friday, April 18, 2014

Taming the tummy monster

I have a monster in my tummy.

It is currently telling me that I'm hungry.

I know that it's lying because the sweet potato, Turkey burger, broccoli, cauliflower, and orange I just ate for lunch tell me that it's got to be lying.

This is a frequent feeling I get after lunch.

Maybe I'm really just thirsty? Who knows!?

I'm going to persevere because I need to maintain the Monday-Friday eating schedule that I have established. Breakfast (Protein Bar) at 7:45 ish while driving to work, Lunch at 11:45,  and snack at 3:45ish.

I can do this!

Tummy Monster, you are going down!!!

1 comment:

  1. Darn the tummy monster! He is hitting me right now and I know he is WRONG!
