Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Progress is progress

Today was a great day.

I tried my hardest to make smart choices with food. I took my lunch to work. I worked out at the gym. I did laundry. Majorly productive day!

I recorded all of my food choices in My Fitness Pal. I had even scheduled in a dessert tonight, but didn't need it because I was still full from dinner.

Proud. I can do this! It won't be easy, but it'll be worth it.

Breakfast: Marathon Energy Protein Bar, Banana

Snack: Greek Yogurt

Lunch: Hummus, Crackers, Tuna Salad, Banana

Snack: Dirt Pudding (at school), Almonds

Dinner: Nachos (chips, refried beans, salsa, corn, sour cream, cheese)

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